Friday 18 May 2012

Flash Fiction:

I sweep my eyes through the concrete forest. I spot my prey. Nature is designed to be well matched, but I have the element of surprise. I break out of cover and accelerate towards my soon to be catch. I see a flicker of fear in its eyes and it turns to run, more in hope than expectation.  The chase has begun. Weaving in and out of obstacles I close in. my limbs are burning, lungs desperately sucking in air. I reach out to finally make contact with my catch. “Tag your on!” I joyously shout.

96 words
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

First Words:

I don't often read, most books fail to steal precious time I spend playing the sports that I love and relaxing in front of the TV. But even the most the most demanding sports fail to focus your mind quite like a gripping book. There is nothing else that silences your mind and thoughts like a book you enjoy so much, you wish it was real.